Friday, July 18, 2008

Why integrative medicine is the way of the future

Why integrative medicine is the way of the future
Above is an article from an Austrian news discussing the application of integrative medicine for the treatment of cancer.

The 2008 Summer Wellness Brief is dedicated (click here to open Summer 2008 Cancer & Healing) on integrative oncology. When I worked with Dr. Andrew Weil at University Medical Center in Tucson, I was fortunate to witness a number of remissions that could not be attributed to medications alone.

There is a tendency in the medical field to give credit to the illness or to the disease and not to give enough credit to the individual's healing ability.

Integrative medicine explores the boundary of the healing ability of the person by providing a therapeutic healing partnership and by creating a synergy of healing techniques leveraged at helping the whole person, Mind, Body, and Spirit.

The therapeutic regimens that one can use using the mind, body, and spirit is almost limitless in its application. The goal is to empower our patients to feel comfortable about being an active participant in their healing.

This combination of empowerment, nutritional support, emotional support (we require our cancer patients to go to a support group and/or see a counsellor once a week), and conventional medicine and surgery can make a powerful impact. We saw two people achieve remission from Stage 4 cancer last year who followed above advise. We do not understand the exact mechanism of their healing at this point, but we are happy to see our patients enjoy a higher quality of life.

John Kim

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