Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Low-carb diet beats other diets in study

Low-carb diet beats other diets in study

Above link describes the outcome of a study demonstrating that Low-carb diets show superior results compared to other diets. The article states, perhaps tongue-in cheek, that Atkins diet may have a point. Atkins diet's weakness is that it underestimates the danger of cholesterol and the types of fat coming from meat sources in the form of omega 6 fatty acids which result in increasing overall inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is a common pathway where multiple illnesses come together. As a result of increasing inflammation, you put yourself at risk for increasing degenerative illnesses including Alzheimer's disease, osteoarthritis, as well as coronary artery diseases.

I prefer a nutrition plan based largely on vegetable, 1 - 2 servings of whole grain per day, and a high quality protein either from grass fed meat or safe fish (list is available from Monterey Bay Aquarium). My favorite is wild Alaskan salmon providing omega 3 fatty acids as well as excellent source of protein.

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