Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Red Wine May Slow Aging

NY Times ( ) article cites a drug company sponsored start up firm performing research on creating a medication that mimics resveratrol, a compound found in wine.

Resveratrol is a natural compound found in grapes, mulberries, peanuts, and other plants or food products, especially red wine, that may protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease by acting as an antioxidant, antimutagen, and anti-inflammatory. (American Heritage Dictionary)

The article points out that the original research dose on mice was equivalent to 35 bottles a day of red wine. Resveratrol can also be obtained in the form of capsules marketed by several companies. It is postulated by the researchers resveratrol can mimic many of the effects of a caloric-restricted diet “at doses that can readily be achieved in humans.”

My teacher Dr. Andrew Weil states that we can obtain resveratrol simply by eating more fruits with deep red and purple color, such as grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and cranberries.

1 comment:

thinkbreath said...

I'm soooo glad to see a medical doctor talking about this stuff!!
I have suffered from allergies since I moved to Georgia 15 years ago and have tried all sorts or skin test, allergists, and meds. They all gave me side effects ( some worse than the allergies), and then wear off before the next dose is required. I tried this stuff last year because a therapist told me about it, and I have not taken an allergy med since! I had no idea that it would actually help me be healthier too, but I believe it. Because I feel stronger and healthier. Compared to the cost of allergy meds- money wise, how I feel and how it effects my performance. I will keep taking this supplement! Thanks for getting it out there!!!!