Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Integrative Oncology

Q. I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. What can I do to increase my chances of overcoming cancer?

There is an increasing trend in the U.S. towards integrative approaches to cancer. MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering Memorial are two of most respected centers specializing in cancer treatments. Both programs have integrative medicine available to their patients at the center. There are professional societies of oncologists that focus on the integrative approach to cancer care. National Cancer Institute is actively promoting collaboration of alternative medicine practitioners and researchers in hopes of discovering new treatment regimen.

I think that first thing to do is to connect with an oncologist who can help you to develop a comprehensive strategy. I have observed several patients receiving outstanding care at Emory Winship Cancer Institute. Finding an open-minded oncologist can empower you to integrate the conventional cancer treatments with innovative integrative approaches.

There are several approaches to supporting patients with cancer. All of the approaches emphasize working with your oncologist. If the oncologist is open to using nutrition as an adjunct modality to strengthen you, then an anti-inflammatory diet advocated by Dr. Andrew Weil can be helpful. In addition, there are immune enhancing regimens that have been successfully utilized including Chinese medicinal herbal solutions and Asian medicinal mushrooms. There are clinical trials sponsored by the National Institutes of Health exploring individual herb’s effect on cancer including Tumeric and Ginseng. There is no evidence to suggest that these herbs can be used alone for the treatment of cancer.

Even if the oncologist objects to the use of supplements, there are many things you can do. The role of acupuncture has been extensively documented for treating chemotherapy induced nausea and fatigue. There are many mind-body medicine approaches including meditation, self hypnosis, and guided imagery that can help the patients to experience healing. As matter of fact, a study conducted by Dr. Spiegel as Stanford University documented the benefit of weekly psychotherapy for cancer patients. There are a number of support groups available in this area. You should consider attending support group – if you do not enjoy one group, you should experience other groups.

I recommend all patients with cancer to READ and STUDY Dr. Bernie Siegel’s books including Love, Medicine, and Miracles. Dr. Siegel is a retired surgeon from Yale University who discovered that empowering patients with choices can help patients experience extra-ordinary healing.

Cancer can be a life-threatening disease. You need to take account of all options; as one of my mentor says “when you are fighting for your life, you should not have to fight with one hand tied behind your back.”

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